Senior citizen Health Plan


At the dusk if their lives, they  need to be looked after and cared for. Rockland Hospital provides a quality health care package that caters to our ageing counterparts......

  • Physician's Consultations
  • Gynae-Consultation (Females)
  • Surgeon's/Urologist Consultation (Males)
  • Eye/ENT Check up
  • Lifestyle Management
           Diet Counseling

           Stress Management
           Exercise & Fitness Management
           Preventive Health Counseling
  • Routine       
  •        Complete Hierogram *
           Urine ( R & M )
           Stool ( R & M)
  • General       
  •        Blood Group (ABO and Rh )
           Chest X-Ray
           Ultrasound Whole Abdomen  
  • Biochemistry      
  •        Blood Sugar (F & PP)
           Uric Acid
           Kindly Function Test**
           Liver Function Tests ***
           Lipid Profile****
  • Screening Tests
           Prostrate Specific Antigen (Males)
       *   Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR, Haematocrit, Platelet Count, PVC, MVC, MCHC, Peripheral Smear
      **   Albumin/Globin, Total Serum Protein, Serum Urea/Creatinine Blood Urea Nitrogen, Urine Analysis
     ***  SGOT/SGPT/GCT/Alkaline Phosphatase / Billrubin Total & Direct/ Lacate Dehydrogenase / Serum Protein / AG Ratio
    ****  Total Cholesterol/LDC-c/HDL-C/VLDL-c/Triglycerides
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